Apply for a Primary School place in September 2025
The application window has closed and applications are being processed.
If you have not yet made an application for your child, you need to email Kent Admissions at and inform then that you need to apply for a Primary School place. Include your name, your child's name and their date of birth and you will then receive an email response with a link to make a late application.
Click here to read the KCC Admissions Process document including timescale dates and appeals information
Important Dates to Know
Summer Born Children
If your child was born between 1 April and 31 August, they are known as a summer born child. Summer born children do not reach compulsory school age until the following September when they would normally join year 1. This means that you have several different options to consider when deciding how your child will start school.
Click here to find out about the different options available and how to make your request to either defer or delay your child's entry to school.
After you get your school offer
On Wednesday 16th April 2025, you will receive an email informing you which school your child has been offered. You can also log in from 5pm on Wednesday 16th April 2025 to view your offer online. You will need to accept or refuse the offer directly with the school by Wednesday 30th April 2025. If you have been offered a space at Lawn Primary School, you should email: ybull@lawnprimary, You will need to provide some paperwork to support your application. Please read the guide to accepting or refusing your place to find out more.
We will be in touch with you at the start of May to give you all the information you will need about your child’s transition to reception class.
Further information on what to do after you receive your offer is available by clicking here.
If your child is due to start Primary school in September 2025, you can appeal if you are refused a place at one of your preferred schools on National Offer Day (Wednesday, 16th April 2025). You needed to submit your appeal before Tuesday 20th May 2025 for it to be considered by Friday 18th July 2025. Any appeals received after this time will be heard within 40 school days from the deadline, or where reasonably possible in line with updated guidance from the Department for Education.
For late applications, appeals should be heard within 40 school days from the deadline for lodging appeals where possible, or within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged where reasonably possible in line with updated guidance from the Department for Education.
Click here for further information on the appeals process.
Further Information
- Key Dates for Parents
- Link to KCC School Places Website
- Summer Born Children - Advice for Parents
- Lawn Primary School Admissions Policy 2025/26
- KCC Determined Admissions Arrangements for Academic Year 2025/26
- After you get your school offer