Lawn Primary School

Lawn Primary School

Aspiration, Adventure, Knowledge and Smiles

Remember coats need to be brought in each day as weather is so unpredictable!

High Street, Northfleet, Kent DA11 9HB


Visions and Values

Visions and Values

School Vision:

Lawn Primary School endeavours to provide a strong moral, kind, caring and unselfish grounding for the pupils to build upon in their lives.  We believe that children should be valued for their individuality, culture and heritage and encouraged to develop their full potential in a stimulating, safe, caring environment.  The school’s ethos statement – Aspiration, Adventure, Knowledge and Smiles – encapsulates the kind of school we continually aspire to be.  We celebrate perseverance, resilience and risk taking, ensuring children welcome challenge and are not frightened to make mistakes.  We encourage children to take ownership of and responsibility for their learning, so they have the confidence and curiosity to ask questions, solve problems and respond to quality feedback.  Children are praised for hard work, determination and having a positive attitude.

We are guided by our core ethos of:

Aspiration Adventure Knowledge Smiles

Our core values are Courage, Citizenship, Compassion, Communication & Creativity, which we refer to as our 5 Gifts of Lawn.  For our children to be 21st century citizens we have a duty to develop the whole learner.  To this end our core values or 5 Gifts are underpinned by our learning competencies:

Our core values identify the skills and attributes we expect our children to master as citizens of the world.  Our vision, values and learning competencies are embedded throughout our curriculum offer.

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