SEND (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities) Information
All schools need to provide a Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Information Report and a school offer. The school offer is part of the wider Local Authority Offer, and is based on the requirement for all schools to outline the support available to children with SEND. We have decided to combine these two documents into one, and include information on our SEND Policy also, so you have one place to find out all the information you need.
To make it as easy as possible to find the information you require, we have laid it out as a series of questions parents/carers often ask about a school and what happens for children with SEND. Please choose one of the topics on the right hand side by clicking on the drop down box.
Will my child go to our local school?
We believe all children are unique and all children are special. We recognise each child as a unique individual with his or her own personal talents, experiences, learning styles and needs. We value their abilities and achievements, and are committed to providing an effective learning environment which promotes their intellectual and personal development. We are an inclusive school - we wish to see children of all abilities, talents and disability educated together. We aim to enable all children to participate fully in school life.
Our experience has helped us realise the positive benefits that inclusion brings, enriching and strengthening our community. Where children have additional needs the whole school community is committed to supporting them. All teachers here are teachers of children with SEND. We seek to support all children's access to the curriculum so that they have the opportunity to progress and achieve success. We strongly believe in involving the children and you as their parent/carer in a helpful working partnership with us.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to email the school SENDCO, Miss Bishop, at
Important Documents
Name | |
SEND Policy September 2024.pdf | Download |
Autism Acceptance Week Podcast 2023
This Is Me Performance by the whole school 2023
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