CLICK HERE to hear the amazing job that Jack, Jasmin, Zainab and Freddie did on our most recent podcast update.
This week it was our turn on the Podcast! Have a listen to Coraline, Cody P, Cody G and Louie talk to Mr Fenton about what we have been getting up to in Beech class!
Welcome to Year 1
Our class teacher is:
Our teaching assistants are: Mrs Marsh and Mrs Leehy
Year One begins the children's journey into Key Stage One, so it's a very important year! We do lots of hands on leaning through our inspiring and creative curriculum.
We look forward to sharing our new and exciting news with you about all the fantastic things that happen in our Year 1 class.
Here are a few things you might like to know about our year group:
- P.E is on Thursday afternoon - children should come to school dressed in there P.E kit (this should include suitable footwear for indoor and outdoor activities)
- Reading books are sent home every day and should be brought back into school each day. Books will changed as and when needed.
Term 3
The children in Beech class have been working extremely hard this term. We have been learning all about different animal groups in science and writing information fact-files about brown bears. In maths we have been exploring shape and learning the names of 3D shapes as well continuing to practise our addition and subtraction skills.
Coming Soon: Beech Class Gallery - See all the amazing work we have been doing in class.
As always we have had a big focus on reading and have been revising all the alternative sounds as well learning even more tricky words. A list of these can be found below (you will also find a full list of all 42 phonetic sounds and the first 100 High Frequency Words in your child's contact book).