Lawn Primary School

Lawn Primary School

Aspiration, Adventure, Knowledge and Smiles

Remember coats need to be brought in each day as weather is so unpredictable!

High Street, Northfleet, Kent DA11 9HB


Willow Class

Welcome to Willow class page! 

Weeping Willow Tree Watercolor Painting Watercolour by Shweta Mahajan |  Artfinder 

End of year celebrations!

On Thursday 18th July, in the afternoon, we are having a class party to celebrate the end of the year! If the girls could bring in a sweet item (such as cakes, biscuits or sweet popcorn) and the the boys could bring in a savoury item (such as crisps or sausage rolls) that would be much appreciated. Could we please ask that any food brought in is nut free. Thank you in advance.

Also, to close our Olympic fortnight, we have an exciting closing ceremony planned for Friday 19th July 2024. Please join us for this celebration, as the children have been working really hard to perfect their performance! 

Thank you for your ongoing support this year, the children have worked so hard and come so far. I am so proud of them all. As always, any questions, feel free to grab me for a chat.

Kind regards,

Miss Fulling 

Year 3 Overnight Camp - Friday 28th June 2024

Year 3 overnight stay- 28/6/24

 Ahead of our overnight stay on Friday 28th June, please find a list below of items the children will need to bring to school with them in the morning (if they are staying overnight):


  • Warm pyjamas/socks/slippers
  • Dressing gown or snuddie/Oodie 
  • A campfire snack (for example, crisps, sweets, chocolate, popcorn etc)
  • Toiletries and overnight stay items (hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc)
  • Clean clothes for the following day
  • A duvet/blanket and a pillow (if your child cannot bring these items we have sleeping bags we can provide!) 

Even if your child is not staying overnight, they will need to wear PE clothes to school during the day and wear outdoor shoes (ie, trainers) as the day will involve outdoor, adventurous activities! Any questions, feel free to ask myself or the school office. 

We do ask that no electronic devices are brought along to the overnight stay for safeguarding reasons.

The children will need to be collected the following day at 9am from the top gate! 

We are looking forward to an exciting day and evening!

Many thanks,


Miss Fulling 

Welcome back! 6/6/24

Welcome back! I cannot believe we are in the final term of year 3! The children have worked so hard this year and I am incredibly proud of their progress. There are so many exciting learning opportunities this term, including our overnight camp and our Olympic fortnight at the end of term. 


Please find below our spellings for this term. There are six weeks worth, as our last week for spellings and homework will be the week commencing 8th July 2024. Please ensure you are listening to your child read daily, as this will support their learning further. Please note this down in their reading records when they do read. 


As always, any problems or queries, please do not hesitate to grab me for a chat! 

Miss Fulling 

 Year 3 Sleepover!- 28/6/24

Today, your child should have come home with a letter regarding the year 3 overnight stay at school. The aim of the stay is to help children prepare for longer overnight stays, such as residential trips in year four and year six. If your child would like to participate, please sign the form attached to the letter and return no later than Monday 10th June 2024. We are looking forward to an evening filled with fun activities! 



Warner Brother's Studio Tour- 16.5.24

The children had a wonderful day at the Warner Brother's Studio tour! Lots of props, costumes and sets were seen and the children learnt some awesome facts about the Harry Potter films. Here is a snapshot of a very memorable day for the children. 


As part of their ticket, each child got a photo of them on a broomstick, as if they were playing a Quidditch match (how magical!) I will print these off individually for children next week. A fun day was had by all! 

Design & Technology- 3.5.24

As part of DT this term, we are looking at food safety, preparing ingredients and seasonal foods. Today in DT, the children had a go at preparing various fruits and vegetables. The children learnt how to use bridge and claw techniques to hold the food safely and how to safely use a knife to cut and chop food. Afterwards, the children enjoyed eating the fruit they had prepared! 

Harry Potter Studios trip- 16th May 2024

Our trip to the Harry Potter Studios is fast approaching! Here are some answers to questions I have received regarding the trip: 

Spending money- Children are welcome to bring spending money for the trip, however, no more than £10 each please. The money will be the children's responsibility, or alternatively, they can ask their adult on the day to look after it for them.

Lunch- Children will either be provided with a packed lunch on the day or they can bring their own (depending on what they ordered at the time of signing the trip letter). We do ask that their lunch and any drinks brought with them are in a plastic/paper bag and bottle, so they can be thrown away afterwards. 

Bags/rucksacks-  Children are welcome to bring a small bag to place their money in for the day (such as a cross shoulder bag or small purse). Children do not need to bring in their usual bag or rucksack as the only thing they will need to carry on the day is their lunch, until they throw it away, and anything they buy in the gift shop! 

Travel sicknessThe coach journey to the studios is approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. If your child is usually travel sick, please go to the school office either before or on the morning of the trip to sign their travel sickness medication in and sign a consent form for us to administer the medication before we leave the studios. 

School uniform- Children will need to come to school in their school uniform on the day of the trip. This includes wearing a navy blue jumper, either with or without the school logo on. This is for easy identification on the day. Children can wear comfortable shoes, such as trainers, as we will be doing a lot of walking around. 

Any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask myself or Miss Atkinson or the school office! We are looking forward to an exciting and enjoyable day! 


Please find our spellings for the rest of this term below. Our test is every Monday morning. Children have their number of spellings highlighted in their homework book. Happy practicing and good luck!

Welcome back! 15.4.24

Welcome back! I hope you had a restful and enjoyable Easter break. It was lovely to see the children back in today, full of smiles, ready for this term's learning- our summer term plan is attached below, feel free to take a look!


Please ensure you are listening to your child read daily- we do try to listen to as many children as we can in school. Children should also be practicing their weekly spellings which come home with their homework each week. Thank you for your support with this. 


Your child should have come home with two letters today- one regarding watching PG rated films (related to our English for this term) and one regarding relationships education. Feel free to catch me for a chat about either of those letters, should you have any concerns or questions. 


Thank you, your ongoing support is greatly appreciated!

Miss Fulling 

 Year 3 Summer Term.docxDownload
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Design and Technology- 22.3.24

The children thoroughly enjoyed programming their Micro:bits yesterday in DT! It was amazing to see their programming and coding skills being used to design and create a piece of wearable technology. Well done Willow class! 


World Book Day - 7th March 2024

Please see some photos below of the children in their wonderful costumes for World Book Day 2024! We had an author visit via Zoom today from John Patrick Green, the author of the "Investi-gators" book series. The children really enjoyed finding out how he became an author and an illustrator. Keep up the fantastic reading, Willow class! 

5/3/24- Please find our spellings for the rest of this term below. Your child will have their number of spellings highlighted in their homework book each week.

It is also important that children are reading and being listened to every day. We do try to do this in school also, however please do continue to listen to your child read, even if it is only one or two pages each night.

As you may already know, parents evening is coming up on Monday 18th March 2024, from 1-7pm. I am looking forward to meeting with you to discuss your child's progress and learning! To book an appointment, please log in to Horizons and choose a slot. 

Thank you for your ongoing support with your child's homework and learning. Any questions, feel free to grab me for a chat. 

Miss Fulling 

CLICK HERE to hear what three of our children did this week in Lawn Primary Podcast! They really did Willow class proud!

26/1/24- In design and technology, we have been learning about information design and are in the process of designing an electronic poster about the Romans! Today, we explored electrical items, components and circuits. These will be used in our electronic posters. More photos to follow once the posters are complete! 

24/1/24- In history, we are learning about the Romans. Today, Willow class designed and made some Roman style shields, ready to be used in our next history lesson! 

Homework reminder- Children will have homework sent home every Wednesday in their homework book with their weekly spellings. Homework will need to be completed and returned by the following Tuesday (the original hand in date was Monday).


Homework is a crucial part of the children's learning, as it consolidates previous learning or introduces them to a new topic or idea. Homework club is on every Friday, whereby the children are supported in completing their homework with Mrs Wilson. To sign your child up for this, please visit the office.


Thank you for your ongoing support with your child's learning. 

Miss Fulling

Welcome back! 9/1/24


Welome back to school! Firstly, I would like to congratulate year 3 once again for putting on an amazing Christmas performance- they worked so hard and myself and Miss Atkinson are immensely proud of them, as we are sure you are too.

We hope you had a restful, safe and enjoyable break.

This term, there are lots of exciting learning opportunities for the children and even a visit from Lullingstone Roman Villa!  


Just a quick reminder regarding reading books. Please ensure you are listening to your child read daily. This only needs to be one or two pages of their reading book, and if you could note this down in your child's reading record too, that would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks for your ongoing support and if you have any questions feel free to catch me for a chat! 


Miss Fulling 

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Willow Christmas Jumper Day

Willow class Christmas party- 18/12/23

Our class Christmas party will be on Monday 18th December 2023. Children can bring party clothes in to change into or come in wearing their party clothes. We are kindly asking that each child brings in some food for the party to share with the class (for example, sweets, crisps, cakes, sandwiches, etc). Could we please ask that food is nut free. Thank you for your support, we are looking forward to a fun, festive afternoon! 

Miss Fulling 

Willow Christmas Decoration Day 30.11.2023

Willow class Christmas play 

As you may already be aware, year 3 put on a Christmas performance each year. Every child has now been given a part and have a script with their lines highlighted. Your child should bring their script and song words home every night to practice and learn their lines for the performance. We are practicing in school daily, however, your support with helping your child learn their lines ready for the performance is greatly appreciated. 

The performance is on Wednesday 13th December 2023 at 2pm. Please arrive at the Office by 1:50pm. Feel free to catch me for a chat if you have any questions. Thank you, 

Miss Fulling 

Willow Class - Space Week - WC 06.11.2023

Researchers in action! 

The children really enjoyed using the Chromebooks to research our new author for this half term, Chris Van Allsburg. They found out some very interesting facts about him and the books he has written!


Kew Gardens School Trip

Just a quick reminder- Our trip to Kew Gardens is on Thursday 12th October 2023. Please send your child to school in school uniform for easy identification, comfortable trainers and a packed lunch, unless they are entitled to free school meals. Children can bring up to £5 spending money for the gift shop. Please ensure your child also brings a water bottle with them, ideally a plastic one which can be thrown away with their lunch.

Many thanks, Miss Fulling. 


CLICK HERE to listen to the amazing job that three of our children on the School Podcast recently. They really did our class proud! Well done.

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 Year 3 Term 1.docxDownload
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Welcome to the Willow class page!

Welcome back! This year, Miss Fulling and Miss Atkinson will be working with you throughout year 3. We are both very excited and looking forward to an amazing year ahead. Please see above for a copy of our term 1 plan. 

Important notices: 

  • Our PE days are Wednesdays and Thursdays. Children need to come into school in their PE kit ready for the lesson.
  • Homework will come home every Wednesday and needs to be completed and returned by the following Monday.
  • Children are also expected to read at home and practice their spellings throughout the week. This does not have to be strenuous or long, it could be five minutes each night just going through their spellings of the week and reading for a few minutes.
  • Your child's TimeTable Rockstars login will be given to them in their homework book, as well as their Lexia login, which can both be accessed from home. 

If you have any questions or queries, feel free to catch me for a chat after school. 

School trips: 

I am pleased to announce that we have two exciting trips booked for this year! The dates for these are as follows:

  • Kew Gardens- Thursday 12th October 2023- This trip relates to the children's art lessons, where they will be looking at botanical drawings and shading. This trip will allow the children to observe and sketch different plants and flowers, enhancing their brilliant drawing, sketching and shading skills. The cost of this trip is £28. 
  • Warner Brothers Harry Potter Studios- Thursday 16th May 2024- In term 3, the children will be immersed into the magical world of Harry Potter, with both the books and the films being used to enhance their writing and drama in English. We have booked a workshop, which focuses on the art of foley (how sound affects are made for films!). The children will get a chance to be a foley artist and make sound effects for clips of the films. Children will also complete the studio tour. This day will be slightly longer (Children need to be in school by 8:30am and will return by 5:30pm). 

The total cost for the Warner Brothers Harry Potter Studio tour trip in May 2023 is £32. The school and INEOS money have put £300 towards this trip to help reduce the cost. There is an option to pay for this trip in monthly installments. 

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